Article Submissions
ACBC Blog Guidelines
ACBC seeks to provide biblical, relevant, and practical blogs that build up the church.
Getting Started
As you think about your topic and begin writing, here are a few parameters to keep in mind as you craft your content.
Audience: Those who counsel, those who are in need of help, and those who are in biblical counseling training. Your blog does not need to address each of these categories, it is acceptable and recommended to focus your piece on one of these groups.
Tone: ACBC wants to offer blogs that are biblical, relevant, and practical. We have found that blogs with a conversational tone are best at accomplishing this. With the goal of being biblical, we ask that your blog reference Scripture throughout in relation to the topic you’re discussing. As to relevant, we would like for our blogs to aim at applying to a wide group (example: writing a blog on terminal illness and hope rather than leukemia and hope.) Finally, we are seeking practical blogs that readers can learn from and apply to their own lives.
Length: 700-1200 words
Format: Single space, Times New Roman, font size 12, only one space between sentences. Use headings in bold to break up different parts of the blog and guide the reader. Spell out Bible references in full (2 Corinthians 4:7, not 2 Cor. 4:7). When referencing something other than Scripture, use endnotes (not footnotes).
Stand-alone: ACBC seeks to post blogs that can stand alone, not blogs that are contained in a series (i.e. Four Ways to Pray for Your Counselees Part 1, and Four Ways to Pray for Your Counselees Part 2).
Note: ACBC is not required to post all blogs that are submitted. We may also suggest significant content/grammar edits to you.