ACBC Essay Submission Guidelines
ACBC seeks to provide rigorous, academic discussion on matters great importance in the biblical counseling movement and broader Christian community through academic articles. The ACBC Essays are journal articles designed to influence the biblical counseling movement with clear biblical concepts and counseling methodologies.
Getting Started
As you think about your topic and begin writing, here are a few parameters to keep in mind as you craft your content.
Audience: Biblical counselors who desire to learn more and dig deeper on particular methodological and theological counseling issues.
Tone: Scholarly.
Academic Integrity: It is expected that academic work will be original and that any intellectual work not original to the author of the essay will be given appropriate citation. Instances of plagiarism, which is uncharitable and not an example of Christian stewardship, will not be tolerated.
Length: 3,000-8,000 words
Format: Single space, Times New Roman, font size 12, only one space between sentences. Use subheadings in bold to break up different parts of the article and guide the reader. Spell out Bible references in full (2 Corinthians 4:7, not 2 Cor. 4:7). When referencing something other than Scripture, use endnotes (not footnotes). Italicize and indent block quotes. Cite sources in Chicago style.
Note: ACBC is not required to post all articles that are submitted. We may also suggest significant content/grammar edits to you.